Those suffering from voice and singing struggles will be transformed via 3 important ingredients included with Christina’s high quality care: Competency, Collaboration, and Compassion.
Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, Ph.D., CCC-SLP ASHA Fellow
Professor, University of Utah
School of Medicine
This is the most amazing lady I have ever met, my therapy sessions with her were the highlight of my week...she combines the heart, the soul, the knowledge, self awareness and of course the voice! I learned how to appreciate how valuable our voice is, her wisdom in empowering us to have a clear and young voice has made my communication with the world so much better Christina Kang is a star 💫 in my world, I’m honored to have had the chance to learn from the best.
Cristina Murillo
Christina's heart and soul go into everything she does, whether it be teaching singing voice technique, providing voice and swallowing rehabilitation, providing educational resources through The Voice Forum, or giving inspiration and motivation to her colleagues. When I work with professional performers who are on tour, if they need care and are in her area, I can tell them with confidence that they are in good hands working with Christina. She strikes a wonderful balance between excellent scientific knowledge and creative artistry, both of which are essential to our work as voice-specialized speech-language pathologists.
Christine Murphy Estes, MM, MA, CCC-SLP
Weill Cornell Medicine
Sean Parker Institute for the Voice
It is with great pleasure that I highly recommend the superb work of Christina HyoJin Kang,
Christina was my speech-language pathologist in 2018/2019 at The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Division of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery in Phoenix AZ. I suffered a vocal hemorrhage because of vocal overuse, and as a voice professional, I was completely devastated.
Working very closely with Christina throughout the time I was her patient, I became acutely aware of the breadth of her knowledge, both about the physical and psychological aspects of singing as well as the scientific aspects of voice rehabilitation. Christina provided a fully comprehensive nature of services: she addressed the whole person and not just the vocal folds. Through diligence of time and effort, supervised by Christina’s excellent patient care, and warm and nurturing bedside manner, I fully recovered the singing and speaking range of my voice.
Let there be no doubt: if you are a singer who is experiencing vocal distress, Christina is your person. She is easy to relate to regardless of gender and age. She is pleasant, conscientious, highly organized, ethical, honest and caring, and always went above and beyond with professionalism and ease. I have my voice back again because of Christina, and for that I will always be grateful.
Dr. Sharon A. Hansen
Professor and Director of Choral Activities, Emerita
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Conductor, The Arizona Musicfest “Festival Chorus”
I have worked with Christina for the past 9 months completely online. She is qualified, kind and positive in every way. The main issue that we addressed was my aging voice; I am 70 and a professional voice teacher. Building upon my knowledge of the voice, Christina added her expertise and experience to help me with my bowed vocal folds. She made efficient use of our time together and I felt and heard progress with every session. I appreciated the clear “homework” assignments and I knew exactly what to practice; the video and audio recordings were, and will continue to be invaluable. The vocal techniques, stretching exercises and warm-up have not only helped my voice, but my private voice students have greatly benefited. Christina is a rare gem in the professional world of Voice Therapists who is trained in both speech and singing techniques. I completely agree with Dr Sharon A. Hanson, “... if you are a singer who is experiencing vocal distress, Christina is your person.” I applaud Christina Kang and thank her for polishing my voice!
Corinne Walker, Master’s Degree in Music - Vocal Performance, Texas State University
Former voice student of Ellen Faull and Todd Gordon.
Christina is a fabulous resource for singers and voice teachers. I observed her work on many occasions, including with students of mine. She has the medical training, the experience as a singer and teacher, and the empathy that qualify her to diagnose quickly and to find solutions for the whole range of vocal problems. Her positive, warm, humor-filled approach puts students and patients at ease right away.
- Thomas Jones, Voice Teacher
Christina was a lifesaver when it came to my vocal journey. I had to learn how to speak all over again after nodule removal. It took a while to recover back but she made it seems like the time flew by as every appointment was so enjoyable. I had lot of fun learning about my own voice. I never knew how much potential my voice had until Christina. I would recommend her to anyone who needs to get back on their feet. She will not cut corners; she will make sure every voice is in tiptop shape for any of your vocal needs.
Lois Zozobrado
Singer, Songwriter
Christina Kang - Caring, Compassionate & Creative
Christina’s generous spirit and expertise in vocal pedagogy and speech language pathology equip her to provide excellent training for singers, voice teachers and anyone who seeks to develop a healthy, resonant voice! Working with Christina on straw phonation exercises and laryngeal massage has helped relieve tension in my own voice. Many of my private students have also benefitted from her vocal rehabilitation therapy. The collaboration between therapist, student and instructor has been an invaluable component in my teaching studio!
Rachel Stoddard – Private Voice Instructor
Ms. Kang has an incomparable knowledge of the human voice. She develops an individual approach for each person she works with and helps them to understand where they are and what steps they can take to improve.
Aaron Smith, Tenor
Our daughter’s voice is her instrument. She is a jazz vocalist who has been singing since she was very young, so when she developed what appeared to be nodes on her vocal folds, it was a huge loss. She had seen another vocal therapist prior to Christina, but it wasn’t until she became a patient of Christina Kang that her road to recovery really began. Christina listens, relates, and is accessible. As a vocalist herself, she was able to give our daughter very specific vocal and breathing exercises related to how a vocalist uses their voice while singing as well as speaking. Christina's expertise led to her being instrumental in properly diagnosing the nodes as cysts.
We wanted the best for our daughter and we found it in Christina Kang. After a successful surgery at Mayo Clinic and thoughtful therapy from Christina our daughter’s instrument was restored.
Brian and Maria Nissen, Mesa, Arizona
Christina Kang was a life saver to me as a voice therapist following vocal fold laser surgery. Her knowledge, expertise, and experience makes her the perfect person to rehabilitate the voice. A singer herself, she understands healthy use of the voice better than anyone. Our voice students at Northern Arizona University sing her praises as well, after working with her in numerous voice workshops. We all still use her valuable exercises and have enjoyed her unique way of relating to people and their individual situations. I continue to reach out to her with questions about healthy singing and speaking.
Deborah Raymond, Associate Professor of Voice, Emerita
Northern Arizona University
Dr. Kang is nothing short of amazing! I call her "doctor" because she is more thorough, knowledgeable, and helpful than doctors I’ve met over years of seeking advice. Her approach to voice therapy includes not only therapy exercises but also proper voice care and technique, a healthy diet and lifestyle, appropriate referrals to chiropractic care and physical therapy, and emotional well being. She truly cares about all aspects of the patient’s health that contribute to voice recovery.
Another thing I noticed about Dr. Kang is the amount of time she devotes to her patients. She willingly explains what’s going on with your voice and even encourages you. Her positivity and encouragement gave me hope during the darkest time of my life. We had similar background stories having both been singers and knowing that she excelled from her voice challenges made me so happy I cried.
I was a singer and songwriter competing for a record label when illness and years of car accidents caught up with me, afflicting my voice with Muscular Tension Dysphonia, something most professionals have not heard of, much less been trained in. Dr. Kang did. She even worked with me long distance, creating therapy videos out of the kindness of her own heart for her patients.
At one point I couldn’t speak at all for over 6 months. I still have voice trouble but my voice has greatly improved and I know it’s from the care of Dr. Kang and the daily discipline I use from her instruction. I now have hope that I can live a normal life and maybe even sing on stage again one day. You will be hard pressed to find a better professional.
Danielle Nicole Bienvenu, Author-Singer-Songwriter